
Little Masters International School


Little Masters International School provides international education experience for all
students starting from early childhood until high school.

Primary Years Program

Play is the main vehicle for the children’s learning. Through play children learn to explore, manipulates, experiment, think and solve problems. This mean is the only modality of young children’s development.

Little Masters International School follows six types of development domains for their young students.

  • jogging

    Physical Development

  • community

    Social Development

  • development

    Cognitive Development

  • abc

    Language Development

  • emotions

    Emotional Development

  • adaptation

    Adaptive Development

Middle Years Program

Our curriculum at this stage exposes students to more subjects in a formal classroom setting. The curriculum focuses on developing numeracy, literacy and an understanding of the environment and our surroundings. Learning in these classes is designed to develop positive attitudes.

Students learn not only from their texts but also from their surroundings. We encourage the students to open their eyes, to look around and acquire knowledge from their friends, their teachers and elders, and their environment. Students build key skills and explore concepts in language (both English and Bangla), Maths, Science, Ethics and Religions, Art, Physical Education, Music and Drama. When they enter Class III, they also start to study social studies – History, Geography and
Bangladesh Studies and Computer Studies.

Aesthetic Education
Music, Drama, Arts and Crafts, cartoon drawing is an added attraction for the young students.

Senior Years Program

As the students get older, our curriculum is designed to strengthen their foundation and begin their preparation for the public examinations they will take in high school. In Class VI, students take classes in Computing Studies in order to become comfortable with technology, which they will start to use in their academics in subsequent years. They also start to study the sciences as individual subjects (Physics, Biology and Chemistry) from Class VI and take lab classes to develop their practical scientific skills. Economics and Business is another subject that is introduced to them in Class VII.

O' Level Program

Little Masters International School’s O’ Level program encourages students to engage, invent, manage and compete – equipping them for eventual success in the public examinations under Pearson Edexcel International Examinations.

Class IX is very important because this is when students begin to prepare for the public examination that will take them to the next stage of their academic career. Students typically choose 7 subjects at this level. The syllabus is chalked out in such a way that the bulk of the work is covered in Class IX. We offer several science, humanities and commerce subjects. Maths, English Language and Bangla remain core subjects that are mandatory for all students. In Class X, students focus on revision work followed by two mock exams which are held in March or April of each year.

Subjects offered in the O’ Level include Additional or Pure Maths, English Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Combined Science, Business Studies, Economics, Accounting, Bangladesh Studies, Computer Science, and Art & Design.

We cover the O’ Level syllabus thoroughly and undertake overall revision effectively. Regular written work is done throughout the course either at home or under supervision in class to reinforce learning and to give the students the maximum amount of practice in taking exams. Of course, feedback on assessment is an integral part of the learning process.

Bangla and English

In Little Masters International School, we consider proficiency in both languages to be the cornerstone of a well-rounded education for the students of this nation.

বাংলার গুরুত্ব
ইংরেজি মাধ্যম স্কুল হলেও ‘বাংলা’ এ স্কুলের শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য একটি আবশ্যিক বিষয়। প্রাথমিক বাংলা ভাষার সাথে পরিচিতি শুরু করা হয় নার্সারী থেকে। বিভিন্ন শিক্ষামূলক আকর্ষণীয় পদ্ধতিতে বাংলাভাষার গল্প, ছড়ার সাথে সাথে বর্ণমালার সাথে পরিচিতি ঘটে নার্সারী ক্লাস থেকেই। পরে কিন্ডারগার্টেন ক্লাসে বাংলা ল্যাব ক্লাসের মাধ্যমে বর্ণমালার উপর পড়া, লেখা, শব্দ শিখা, গল্প পড়ার বিভিন্ন আকর্ষণীয় শিক্ষাপদ্ধতি প্রয়োগ করা হয় যা শিশুদের জন্য বিজ্ঞানসম্মতও। ১ম হতে ১০ম শ্রেণী পর্যন্ত বাংলা পড়ানো হয় এবং ও-লেভেল পরীক্ষার অন্যতম আবশ্যিক বিষয় হিসেবে ও-লেভেল পরীক্ষার্থীদের এ বিষয়টি গ্রহণ করতে হয়। সুতরাং অন্যান্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়ের মতই লিটল মাস্টার্স স্কুল ‘বাংলা’ বিষয়ের মান উন্নত রাখার জন্য সদা সচেষ্ট।

The study of both English and Bangla in LMIS encourages the development of the four key language skills – speaking, listening, reading and writing. Emphasis is placed on applying the rules of language in order to enhance communication skills. Development of students’ literary skills is also a very important way to equip them with the necessary tools of communication and expression. Students in Little Masters are required to read numerous novels every year, in order to expose them to a greater variety of genres, time periods, styles and authors.

Arts and Cultural Activities

Little Masters School recognize that students must develop skills and an appreciation for visual and performing arts, cultural activities as well as physical education, in order to grow holistically as ‘complete’ individuals.

Our art, music, dance and drama programs not only build the skills that are necessary to perform and produce art, but they also grow an aesthetic and creative sensibility, develop understanding of important historical genres, artists and works of art, music or theater, and teach students how to talk about the arts analytically and with appreciation.

toddler choosing colours while drawing on a paper at home


Assessments in LMIS are based on ongoing coursework: written and oral work, class tests, projects and assignments in each quarter. Performance in co-curricular activities is also assessed regularly. Class Teacher’s Reports are given twice a year, upon completion of the 1st and 3rd quarters. Report Cards are given two times a year, upon completion of each term.

There is no examination for the junior classes, up to Class III. Learning at this level is more closely linked to the developmental process-physical, emotional, social and intellectual. However, from Class IV onwards formal written examinations are taken at the end of each term.