Rules & Regulation


It is essential that student attendance is as close to 100% as possible in order that the prescribed programme of inquiry and related units can be covered by your child. Absence, for any reason, must be justified in the form of a letter from the child’s parents. In the case of extended absence due to illness, a medical certificate is required.

Rules & Regulation_Attendence Policy


Absences can affect learning and progress. Whilst we understand illness can occur, we do request a letter written and signed by the student’s parent or guardian and presented to the class teacher on the day of the students return to school. The note should state the dates of the absence and the reason.

Students will be excused from classes only for emergency reasons or for illness. Parents are urged to schedule medical, dental and other appointments after school hours or during vacations.

If a student needs to leave school early, a written note should be sent to the Head of Primary and the class teacher clearly stating the date, time and reason for leaving early plus the name of the person who will collect the student. This person must be included on your escort permission form.

Please notify the school office immediately if your child is diagnosed as having an infectious disease such as chicken pox, measles, mumps etc.

No student will be allowed to leave the campus during normal school hours unless written parental authorization has been received.

All absences count towards the total number of absences recorded on a student’s school records.


Your child’s class teacher has the most contact with your child every day. If you wish to make an appointment to see a teacher, please talk directly to the office for appointment. Please remember that teachers are busy setting up the classroom at the start of the day or at the end of the day and monitoring the classes. It is best to make an appointment, sit down and have a detailed conversation with the teachers rather than a quick one minute chat on the doorstep. If you have trouble catching up with a teacher please call the Office to arrange a mutually convenient time.